Verb Agreement Quiz
If you`re a writer or editor, understanding the rules of verb agreement is essential for producing high-quality, error-free writing. But even if you`re a seasoned pro, it can be helpful to brush up on your skills with a quiz.
So whether you`re a writer looking to improve your grammar skills or an editor seeking to catch errors before they go to print, here`s a verb agreement quiz to test your knowledge!
1. Which sentence demonstrates subject-verb agreement?
A) The group of students were all wearing blue shirts.
B) The group of students was all wearing blue shirts.
Answer: B
Explanation: When the subject of a sentence is a group, the verb should agree with the group as a singular entity, not with the individual members of the group.
2. Which sentence demonstrates subject-verb agreement?
A) The dog, along with his toys, were left outside.
B) The dog, along with his toys, was left outside.
Answer: B
Explanation: When a sentence includes a phrase that separates the subject from the verb, such as « along with, » the verb should agree with the subject, not the phrase.
3. Which sentence demonstrates subject-verb agreement?
A) Neither the teacher nor the students were excited about the field trip.
B) Neither the teacher nor the students was excited about the field trip.
Answer: B
Explanation: When a subject is separated from its verb by the word « nor, » the verb should agree with the closest subject. In this case, « students » is closer to the verb than « teacher. »
4. Which sentence demonstrates subject-verb agreement?
A) My favorite books is the Harry Potter series.
B) My favorite books are the Harry Potter series.
Answer: B
Explanation: When a subject is plural, the verb should also be plural.
5. Which sentence demonstrates subject-verb agreement?
A) Every girl in the class were assigned a different color for the project.
B) Every girl in the class was assigned a different color for the project.
Answer: B
Explanation: When the subject of a sentence is « every, » the verb should agree with the singular subject.
So, how did you do on the verb agreement quiz? Whether you aced it or need a little more practice, taking the time to review and understand the rules of verb agreement can greatly improve the quality of your writing.